University of Texas at Austin


The Oden Institute has a vibrant culture of collaboration and welcomes the opportunity to engage in research partnerships with all sectors of society — industry, academia, military and government. The Oden Institute has several active national and international research partnerships.

The Alan Turing Institute

Since 2020

The Alan Turing Institute

The Alan Turing Institute in London is the United Kingdom’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence. A formal Memorandum of Understanding established a collaboration between the Oden Institute and the Turing’s data-centric engineering program. The collaboration is focused on research advances in a number of key impact areas: artificial intelligence for science and engineering, computational science and engineering (CSE), scientific machine learning, and data-centric engineering.

Joint Center for Computational Oncology

Since 2020

Joint Center for Computational Oncology

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Research Center, the Oden Institute, and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) are collaborating in oncological data and computational science research. Bringing together MD Anderson’s oncology expertise and data with novel mechanism-based computational modeling techniques led by researchers at the Oden Institute and TACC, this partnership supports not just cancer research but also the training and development of teams that will lead the computational oncology research into the future.

Collaboration in Oncological Data and Computational Science

Computational Medicine
Center for Computational Oncology
Technical University of Munich

Since 2016

Technical University of Munich

The collaboration with the Technical University of Munich in Germany centers on research cooperation to contribute to the advancement of scientific research and technological development in the field of computational engineering and sciences. Principal areas of research include activities in computational science and engineering and high-performance computing, in particular the development of mathematical models, numerical methods, efficient codes and software for the solution of problems in engineering and sciences. This is done by the exchange of personnel and information through cooperative research programs and scientific meetings.

RWTH Aachen University

Since 2015

RWTH Aachen University

The partnership with RWTH Aachen University was established to build a complementary consortium between the Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Sciences and the Oden Institute to provide joint doctoral research training addressing the next generation of inverse problems.

Texas Heart Institute

Since 2013

Texas Heart Institute

As part of its commitment to dramatically change the landscape of cardiovascular medicine, the Oden Institute’s Willerson Center for Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation established a research collaborative with the Texas Heart Institute in Houston. The Texas Heart Institute is one of the country’s leading cardiology and heart surgery centers and is dedicated to advancing the treatment of cardiovascular disease through innovative programs in research, education, and improved patient care. The research collaborative marries the computational with the clinical in an effort to more rapidly develop new, high potential treatments for cardiovascular disease.

Willerson Center for Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Since 2012

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

The collaboration between the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and UT Austin, reflects the intention of both universities to develop international research activities in the field of computational engineering and sciences with the purpose of promoting research cooperation to contribute to the advancement of scientific research and technological development. Principal areas of research include the development of mathematical models, numerical methods and software for the solution of problems in engineering and sciences. This is done by the exchange of personnel and information through cooperative research programs and scientific meetings.

Texas Consortium for Computation Seismology

Since 2011

Texas Consortium for Computation Seismology

The Texas Consortium for Computational Seismology is a joint initiative of the Bureau of Economic Geology and the Center for Numerical Analysis at the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Its mission is to address the most important and challenging research problems in computational geophysics as experienced by the energy industry while educating the next generation of research geophysicists and computational scientists.,University%20of%20Texas%20at%20Austin

Centre International for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Since 2009

Centre International for Numerical Methods in Engineering

The collaboration with the Centre International for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) in Barcelona, Spain, centers on research cooperation to contribute to the advancement of scientific research and technological development in the field of computational engineering and sciences. Principal areas of research include the development of mathematical models, numerical methods and software for the solution of problems in engineering and sciences. This is done by the exchange of personnel and information through cooperative research programs and scientific meetings.

Portuguese University Consortium — CoLab

Since 2007

Portuguese University Consortium — CoLab

A University-wide collaboration with the government of Portugal emphasizes education and research in digital media, advanced computing, mathematics, and commercialization of science and technology. The collaboration was established to help accelerate the development of Portugal’s economy in emerging areas of technology and add to UT Austin’s knowledge base in creating economic growth from new, developing areas of research. It operates through a joint virtual institution called the International Collaboratory for Emerging Technologies (CoLab). CoLab@UTAustin involves professors, researchers and students from the colleges of Engineering and Communication, the departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Radio-Television-Film, the School of Journalism and research centers and institutes, including the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, Texas Advanced Computing Center, IC2 Institute and the Austin Technology Incubator.

The Sandia Corporation — Sandia National Labs

Since 2002

The Sandia Corporation — Sandia National Labs

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and UT Austin have a long history of collaboration through the Academic Alliance Partnership - solving problems the lab cannot address alone. SNL partners with universities possessing key academic strengths, research capabilities, and a strong commitment to national security. The Oden Institute is an active participant in this collaboration. Institute researchers are invited to utilize SNL’s labs and capabilities in order to facilitate new research connections targeting areas with potential for substantive national impact. The program is mutually beneficial for Sandia, UT Austin, the researchers involved, and students interested in collaborating on Laboratory Directed Research and Development projects. The Alliance also provides hands-on experience and opportunities to innovate with world-class personnel through internship opportunities.

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Since 2001

Texas Advanced Computing Center

Established in 2001, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at UT is one of the world’s leading academic supercomputing facilities, and is a key partner of the Oden Institute. Not only are core faculty allocated on TACC’s Lonestar and Frontera supercomputers, the Oden Institute is also helping build the NSF-funded Leadership Class Computing Facility (LCCF).

Center for Subsurface Modeling Industrial Affiliates Program

Since 1995

Center for Subsurface Modeling Industrial Affiliates Program

The Center for Subsurface Modeling established an Industrial Affiliates Program in order to foster frequent and open communication between participating researchers and the corporate community. Over the years, the Affiliates Program has proven itself an ideal gateway for launching and conducting collaborative research efforts. Corporate members have ready access to leading-edge research on a variety of issues in subsurface modeling, parallel processing, and high-performance computing, communicated via workshops, annual review meetings, campus visits, corporate visits, reports on the group’s activities, and funded short-term residences for affiliates to work alongside.