University of Texas at Austin
Tom Yankeelov



phone (512) 471-1733

office POB 2.124

office 2 BME 4.202L


Tom Yankeelov

GSC Faculty Principal Faculty

W. A. "Tex" Moncrief, Jr. Chair in Computational Engineering and Sciences IV - Computational Oncology

Director Center for Computational Oncology

Professor Biomedical Engineering

Centers and Groups

Research Interests

Imaging Computational Medicine Tumor growth modeling


After completing Masters degrees in Applied Mathematics and Physics in 1998 and 2000, respectively, at Indiana University, Dr. Yankeelov completed his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at SUNY Stony Brook in the general area of quantitative cancer imaging. He then went to Vanderbilt University as a post-doctoral fellow in 2003 where he continued to advanced quantitative imaging in both the pre-clinical and clinical settings. Dr. Yankeelov became Assistant Professor in 2005, achieved tenure as an Associate Professor in 2010, and full Professor in 2014. At the end of 2015, he was recruited to The University of Texas at Austin as the W.A. “Tex” Moncrief Chair of Computational Oncology and Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Diagnostic Medicine, and Oncology. As part of this recruitment, he received the prestigious $6 million “Recruitment of Experienced Investigators"  grant from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. At UT Austin, he serves as Director of the Center for Computational Oncology, Director of Cancer Imaging Research, and co-Program leader for the Quantitative Oncology Research Program of the Livestrong Cancer Institutes.

The overall goal of Dr. Yankeelov's research is to develop tumor forecasting methods by integrating advanced imaging technologies with predictive, multi-scale models of tumor growth to optimize therapy.  This is accomplished by dividing his efforts into approximately equal parts mathematical modeling, pre-clinical development, and implementation in clinical trials. 

2024 Friar Centennial Teaching Fellowship

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